“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”
No one on his deathbed has ever said, "I wish I had spent more time at the office". This is especially true if he has spent his entire professional career in an "office" that left him unfulfilled. Your investment in any Champion Under Construction Unwrap Your Gifts series program takes you or your team on a journey of self discovery ‐‐providing insights, tools and specific strategies to help them discover and develop their unique gifts and talents. Armed with these tools, participants are better equipped to make the kinds of choices that will prepare them for a greater level of personal satisfaction and contribution.
Unwrap Your Gifts Topics Include
- Creating a Vision for Your Future
- Discover Your Passion
- Discover or Redefine Your Purpose
- Motivational / Inspirational Talks
- Personal Appraisal & Career Assessment