“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.”
Building Tomorrow's Champions Today®!
Because no one makes it alone, make sure that your relationships strengthen you and support you.
“No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent.”
Whether yours is a corporate, non-profit, community, professional, student or other academic group, collaboration is essential to accomplishing your team's goals and objectives. Yet, many leaders find motivating team members to take the requisite ownership in their role towards accomplishing these objectives challenging. What you're often left with is a group that is a mixture of "Lone Rangers", unhealthy competition, and apathetic people--all of which militate against your bottom line. How do you increase individual engagement and ownership? You invest in the individual! Your investment in any Champion Under Construction Infrastructure series program will equip your team members with the tools to:
Develop personal and professional clarity
Recognize and embrace responsibility for their part of the bigger "whole"
Develop the confidence to work more collaboratively
Break down barriers and build bridges
Infrastructure Topics Include
Cultural Competence / Diversity
Effective Communication Skills
Employee Engagement
Group Dynamics
Intergenerational Diversity
Relationship Management
Team Building and Workgroup Cohesiveness
Home of Your Toolbox Diva. Building Tomorrow's Champions Today. Champion Under Construction. Professional personal empowerment and personal development speaker; and speaker, author, trainer, workshop facilitator on: personal safety, sexual assault prevention, violence prevention, change management, peak performance and potential, Available to speak to: business and corporations; professional groups organizations and associations; community organizations and associations; college and university students groups associations and organizations; youth groups, educator groups, organizations and associations; faith based organizations. Ball caps, hats, beanies, cloth bibs, hoodies, jackets, jumpers, polo shirts, rugby shirts, t-shirts, shorts, skorts, sweat suits, sweat pants, tank tops. Motivational Speaker, Inspirational speaker, Jack Canfield Certified Success Principles Trainer
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(512) 68TOOLS
(512) 688-6657